Cantata BWV 104
Date: Apr 30, 2017 | Time: 4:00 pm
J.S. Bach: Cantata BWV 104 Du Hirte Israel, Höre (You Shepherd of Israel, hear us)
Josquin des Prez: Misericordias Domini
The Chattanooga Bach Choir, conducted by artistic director David Long, continues its Barnett & Company Cantata Series on Sunday, April 30 at 4:00 p.m. at Christ Church Episcopal (663 Douglas Street, Chattanooga). There is a suggested donation of $15 at the door; students are free.
The program features two choral works: Johann Sebastian Bach’s cantata, BWV 104, Du Hirte Israel, Höre (You Shepherd of Israel, hear us) and a motet by Josquin des Prez, Misericordias Domini in aeternum cantabo (I shall sing the mercies of the Lord forever), as well as an organ prelude from Bach’s Leipzig Chorales, Allein Gott, in der Höh sei Ehr (Glory be to God on High), BWV 662, performed by the Bach Choir’s organist, Karla Fowkes. Joining the Bach Choir are guest soloists: tenor James Harr and bass Zachary James Cavan.
David Long, artistic director notes: “The works chosen for this program are appropriate for the 2nd Sunday after Easter, also known as Misericordias Domini Sunday. The psalm for this day is Psalm 23, the Shepherd’s psalm; and Bach’s pastoral cantata, filled with lilting triplet rhythms and mellow woodwind solos, conveys the message of a happy flock, a protective Shepherd, a wilderness separate from the Shepherd, and a pasture in eternity with the Shepherd. The music of Josquin des Prez, one of the great choral masters of the high Renaissance, influenced the music of Martin Luther, who began the reformation 500 years ago, in 1517. We are presenting Josquin’s motet written for this Sunday in the Liturgical Church calendar. The organ prelude from the Leipzig Chorales, based on the melody heard in the final chorale of the Bach cantata we are singing, continues the pastoral theme of this program.”
The final concert in the Barnett & Company Cantata Series takes place on May 21 featuring BWV 86 Wahrlich, Wahrlich, Ich Sage Euch (Truly, truly I say to you). These concerts take place at Christ Episcopal Church (663 Douglas Street).